Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Woman on a mission!!

This week I have been really productive around the house and have decided to commit, via this blog, myself to continue this productivity.

We have been pretty settled in the house for awhile but there were still many things that were stacked in closets and had not really had a home.  Over the years, I have become that person who thinks that everything should have a place to live.  This might still be shocking to my mom esp. since you could never see my bedroom floor growing up.  I think my tidiness (and possible OCD nature if I am being completely honest) started in college when I moved into a room one third the size of my room at home AND I had to share it!

Around our house the major pile areas have been around the desk, the garage, the laundry room and the downstairs hall closet.  It has taken two days of hard work but all of these areas have been organized and many things have been tossed.  I was so proud of my hard work yesterday that I was waiting by the door for Dave to get home from work so I could show him.  Unfortunately, he had to work late and I had to leave for a meeting at the Aquarium.  I called him before my meeting and told him to go look around the house.  He seemed pretty impressed but I still would have liked to have seen his face!

Now what to do with myself?  Well... I have made some more goals that I am going to follow through with this time.  I am going to start working on my Etsy account this week and weekend so I have a website to share by this time next week.  I realize that I have been delaying this bc I am afraid no one will like my ideas but I will never know if I dont try.  I am going to make a workout schedule for myself and make sure that I follow it.  I am pretty good about working out but I needed to make an effort on this for two reasons.  The first is that I am going to start taking my yoga class at 7am which means I have to start getting up early again.  Not as early as I did for bootcamp in Charleston but earlier than I am getting up now.  I think my body might actually like being on the new schedule if the way I am feeling is any indication.  The second reason is that I am going to start taking a class at the gym called TRX.  I took this class in Charleston and it was really great (meaning it sucked but it worked).  I just dont like going to new classes when I am by myself so I have been putting this off.  No more of that sissy stuff for me; I am going tomorrow!!

Now that I am motivated, it is time to pass that along to the dogs.  Time for their run on the treadmill!!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I am glad you are going to TRX. let me know how the class is. I want a full report. I am glad you are doing the Etsy thing too! Can you come and clean up my chaos crazy house?
