Monday, February 7, 2011

1950's housewife...the 2011 version

 Since moving, I have not had a job.  This has been a tough transition for me and has unfortunately placed some stress on my marriage.  I have had a job since I was 13 or 14, working for my dad looking up properties in the MLS database at the county office (or some place like that) and this is the first time in over 15 years that I have been without employment.  Add this to moving somewhere totally new and it creates a recipe for depression.  I am happy to say that as of today my "blue meanies" (as my mom, sister, and I say) are gone!

It feels like I just woke up with a whole new attitude about my current life situation and I couldnt be happier.  At first, I felt like Dave was looking down upon me bc I had no job and therefore had to get all my money from him.  This could not be further from the truth; I was the one with the hang up about not making money not Dave.  I have lost count how many times we have had this discussion but I finally get it.  I also no longer hate not having a job.  I realized today how much I like having me time and how maybe after 15 years of schools and jobs (all but 1.5 years I had both going on) I need a break for me.  I like being able to run all our household errands, clean the house up, go to yoga, take care of the dogs and watch some reality tv on my own schedule. 

I have decided to start looking at being a housewife as my job. Dave has told me a million times that I "earn" whatever money I need to spend with all the stuff I do around the house.  Unlike in Charleston, where we both worked and had to take care of the dogs and house, he can know come home from work and just relax with me because the house is clean and the dogs have been taken care of. 

This is not to say that I will be a permanent housewife but until the right job comes along I am going to embrace this new job.  It is funny to me that I actually enjoy cleaning the house and other domestic chores.  I am embracing my inner Martha Stewart and starting to make homemade bread, applesauce, etc.  Partly because it saves money but mostly because I know have the time to do all the little crafty things I was too tired to do when I got off work.  I like being able to spend more quality time with Dave when he gets off work because we dont get to see each other as much as we did in Charleston.

Even though this is not how I envisioned my life being, I could not be happier and plan to start embracing all the life changes that have been thrown at me the past few months. 


  1. YAY! I am glad you are coming out of the new move fog. or blue meanies. cute!
    will you watch Martha bakes for me? Her new show? I wanna see it but I am working- or getting the life sucked out of me!
    I am happy for you, this is great, but I must say jealous. I wanna be a housewife! I am off to buy my lottery ticket.

    thanks for the yoga pep talk. I am feeling great today.
    now once more FIND THAT CAMERA CORD! I wanna see pictures!

  2. I have the camera cord. Now I am just trying to decide which pictures to post for my photo friday.
