Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Mom's Visit

My mom was able to come visit for three weeks in July.  We had an amazing time!  I have been struggling to figure out what to blog about so I thought it might be time for some pictures. I decided to share her vacation with all of you and hopefully it will get some more people to come see me!! :)

We went to hike at a local (well everything is local here) arboretum to a waterfall.  The waterfall was nothing spectacular bc it had not rained recently but the hike was still amazing and MUDDY!

I was lucky enough to have my mom come with me to work every day.  I miss not having her now bc I realize how lonely I am working solo all day. Here is a view she took from one of the neighborhoods we would walk in.  The picture doesn't do it justice.  You can see all the way down to the ocean from the top of the hill.  Amazing!

My mom is a plant lover to say the least so we went to a few gardens around town.  Foster Garden is by far the best we went to.  Here are some pics from our two trips there (it took us that long to make it through the place).
Mom getting her tree on in front of a tree...we are so funny!

One of many Orchid pictures.  They had an amazing greenhouse full of them.
 This is my favorite picture of the whole three weeks by far.  My mom was always quick to point out how the huge plants, bushes, and trees on Oahu were only grown as house plants in SC (and onlyafter a lot of hard work too).  I asked her to show her amazement at the huge house plants around her.

One morning after our attempt to hike Diamond Head was thwarted by a massive crowd, we sat below Diamond Head and watched the surfers.  Great way to start the day!

Every friday we went to the beach for a few hours after work.  The weather was perfect each day and we got to watch kite boarders perform some amazing tricks.

Beach bunnies after a dip in the Pacific
We also went to a luau at the Polynesian Cultural Center but that will have to be a blog unto itself.  Hope you enjoyed the photos and are ready to come visit soon!!