Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Woman on a mission!!

This week I have been really productive around the house and have decided to commit, via this blog, myself to continue this productivity.

We have been pretty settled in the house for awhile but there were still many things that were stacked in closets and had not really had a home.  Over the years, I have become that person who thinks that everything should have a place to live.  This might still be shocking to my mom esp. since you could never see my bedroom floor growing up.  I think my tidiness (and possible OCD nature if I am being completely honest) started in college when I moved into a room one third the size of my room at home AND I had to share it!

Around our house the major pile areas have been around the desk, the garage, the laundry room and the downstairs hall closet.  It has taken two days of hard work but all of these areas have been organized and many things have been tossed.  I was so proud of my hard work yesterday that I was waiting by the door for Dave to get home from work so I could show him.  Unfortunately, he had to work late and I had to leave for a meeting at the Aquarium.  I called him before my meeting and told him to go look around the house.  He seemed pretty impressed but I still would have liked to have seen his face!

Now what to do with myself?  Well... I have made some more goals that I am going to follow through with this time.  I am going to start working on my Etsy account this week and weekend so I have a website to share by this time next week.  I realize that I have been delaying this bc I am afraid no one will like my ideas but I will never know if I dont try.  I am going to make a workout schedule for myself and make sure that I follow it.  I am pretty good about working out but I needed to make an effort on this for two reasons.  The first is that I am going to start taking my yoga class at 7am which means I have to start getting up early again.  Not as early as I did for bootcamp in Charleston but earlier than I am getting up now.  I think my body might actually like being on the new schedule if the way I am feeling is any indication.  The second reason is that I am going to start taking a class at the gym called TRX.  I took this class in Charleston and it was really great (meaning it sucked but it worked).  I just dont like going to new classes when I am by myself so I have been putting this off.  No more of that sissy stuff for me; I am going tomorrow!!

Now that I am motivated, it is time to pass that along to the dogs.  Time for their run on the treadmill!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Photo Friday

This week's photos are centered around my best friend. 

Here are some shots I took of Dave when we went to check out the big surf at the North Shore.

 Here is a picture from on of our last days in Charleston.  We decided to walk around downtown taking pictures.  This was taken at the Unitarian Church when I asked him to be cute :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I love my nose!

If you have known me for any amount of time chances are you know how much I love my nose.  It is my favorite body part and I think it is the cutest thing ever.  Much to the chagrin of any trainer I have ever had, trying to make me do an exercise where a heavy medicine ball was thrown at my face resulted in a lecture about how all I had going for me was my cute nose.  Well I still think my nose is cute but no longer look at it as the lone good part of my appearance.

Today, however, I was reminded of the reason I have a smell all the good and bad around me.  On my way home from yoga there is a particular spot on the interstate that smells like fresh buttery baked goods.  I have no idea where this amazing smell is coming from and I usually forget about it until I hit that spot in the road but it is the best smell ever (esp coming home from a crazy yoga class).  When I got home I watched a recorded episode of Criminal Minds where the killer was drawn to people based on their smell.  Having two nose related events in a matter of 30 minutes made me aware of how I react to certain smells on a regular basis.

I already told you about the delicious bakery smells on the interstate (one day I will figure out where they are coming from) but there are a few more I encounter every day.  An odd smell that I love is my dogs' heads.  They can be clean or dirty it does not matter to me.  The smell of a dog's head is the perfect pet smell and I never tire of it.  A smell that I can not stand at the moment but have been told I will grow to love is Dave when he is off work.  The smell of a submarine is like nothing I have ever encountered; it is a combination of sweat, oil, grease, and other unidentified substances that just linger in the air for hours.  Dave is limited to where he can leave his boat uniform laying around the house bc I dont want it to smell up the furniture and trust me it would.  The wives have told me, though, that I will miss this smell when he is deployed but we will have to see about that.  The last smell that I encounter on a regular basis that have a deep emotional grip is yoga.  In Bikram yoga you sweat like no other and thus you tend to get a funk about your body and clothes.  Needless to say, the studio adopts the funks of everyone and kind of has its own unique perfume of hard work going on.  At first this smell was not pleasant but lately I have found the smell relaxing in class.  When I am stressing out in a posture I sometimes notice the smell and then I start to think about how it represents all my hard work and I no longer focus on how badly I feel in the posture.  "The postures are hard and are supposed to hurt so just deal with it" is kind of what that smells tells me (crazy I know).  At home, my pile of yoga clothes in the laundry room (only place they are allowed for the same reason as Dave's work clothes) leave a lingering smell all the time that I have grown to love.  It reminds me of how my body is changing and how hard I am working to become the person on the inside and out that I want to be.

I am sure there are tons of smells that I encounter each day but these are the ones that elicit such a deep response within me, whether good or bad.  I am not sure why I felt the need to share but I did.  Now I am going to smell Jack's head and smile :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

1950's housewife...the 2011 version

 Since moving, I have not had a job.  This has been a tough transition for me and has unfortunately placed some stress on my marriage.  I have had a job since I was 13 or 14, working for my dad looking up properties in the MLS database at the county office (or some place like that) and this is the first time in over 15 years that I have been without employment.  Add this to moving somewhere totally new and it creates a recipe for depression.  I am happy to say that as of today my "blue meanies" (as my mom, sister, and I say) are gone!

It feels like I just woke up with a whole new attitude about my current life situation and I couldnt be happier.  At first, I felt like Dave was looking down upon me bc I had no job and therefore had to get all my money from him.  This could not be further from the truth; I was the one with the hang up about not making money not Dave.  I have lost count how many times we have had this discussion but I finally get it.  I also no longer hate not having a job.  I realized today how much I like having me time and how maybe after 15 years of schools and jobs (all but 1.5 years I had both going on) I need a break for me.  I like being able to run all our household errands, clean the house up, go to yoga, take care of the dogs and watch some reality tv on my own schedule. 

I have decided to start looking at being a housewife as my job. Dave has told me a million times that I "earn" whatever money I need to spend with all the stuff I do around the house.  Unlike in Charleston, where we both worked and had to take care of the dogs and house, he can know come home from work and just relax with me because the house is clean and the dogs have been taken care of. 

This is not to say that I will be a permanent housewife but until the right job comes along I am going to embrace this new job.  It is funny to me that I actually enjoy cleaning the house and other domestic chores.  I am embracing my inner Martha Stewart and starting to make homemade bread, applesauce, etc.  Partly because it saves money but mostly because I know have the time to do all the little crafty things I was too tired to do when I got off work.  I like being able to spend more quality time with Dave when he gets off work because we dont get to see each other as much as we did in Charleston.

Even though this is not how I envisioned my life being, I could not be happier and plan to start embracing all the life changes that have been thrown at me the past few months. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Photo Friday

One of my friends has had a great blog idea called Wordless Wednesday.  I have always thought this was a cutest idea so when I started my blog I knew I had to steal it.....I mean do something similar!  I have chosen Photo Friday (that way I cant be sued if Annie decides to copyright).  Hope you dont mind Annie :)

 For my fist Photo Friday I decided to go with a video I took of my new favorite thing to watch in the morning.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Because it makes me happy!!

My last post was a bit more negative than I realized so I guess I needed to vent.  This move has been one of the hardest things I have EVER done in my life but I am happy that I did it (most days atleast).  I wanted to take a minute to highlight the things I love so far about living in Hawaii.

1. THE WEATHER!!! Now I am sorry for everyone who is living in the middle of this crazy winter weather right now but I can not tell you how happy that I am not. Cold and I do not get along and never have.  I enjoy being able to open all the windows in my house every day and enjoy a nice breeze.  It has helped to cut down on our electric bill too.  We got our first "bill" (we only have to pay if we are over the average usage amount in our housing development- thanks Navy) we only used ten dollars of electricity in 17 days.  Not too shabby.  If we fall below the usage range per month then we get money back from the company!  We have been getting some pretty bad rain storms and that is evidently the extent of our bad winter weather.  Well all I have to say is I will take it.  I have my rain boots and I am not afraid to use them!

2. Bikram Yoga!!  Before I left Charleston, I was told that I needed to try hot yoga but never got around to it.  I was able to find a Bikram studio about 20 minutes from my house and decided to give it a try.  If you have never heard about Bikram Yoga here is a link with some info (wiki seems pretty accurate on this one)   The first class I must admit I felt like a fat slob surrounded by tiny people barely wearing anything.  I made it through the class without wanting to throw up so I decided to go again the next day.  I have not finished up my intro 2 week package and I have already bought a year's membership!  Some days I feel like shit while I am in there and others I feel like I am on top of the world.  It is helping me to lose some major weight and I have noticed improvements in my injured shoulder and thumb.  If you are at all inclined to try new fitness avenues then I recommend a week in a Bikram yoga class!

3. Waikiki Aquarium!!  I have started a volunteer training program at the aquarium and am super excited about getting to start volunteering soon.  I will be working at an educator for some of the exhibits. There are about 20 of us training right now and everyone seems to be really nice.  It is great to be around people that like the ocean as much as I do and it helps to make me feel like I am putting my degrees to use.  Maybe one day it will turn into a job but even if it doesnt I am happy to be given the chance to volunteer.

4. The Ocean!!  I love the Atlantic and always will but there is nothing more amazing than being surrounded by crystal clear blue water.  Dave and I have been to a few different beaches around the island and have fallen in love with each one.  We have gone snorkeling, stand up paddle boarding, and plan to start SCUBA diving soon.  The water is never as warm as the Atlantic but with year round access to the ocean I guess I cant really complain.