Thursday, February 10, 2011

I love my nose!

If you have known me for any amount of time chances are you know how much I love my nose.  It is my favorite body part and I think it is the cutest thing ever.  Much to the chagrin of any trainer I have ever had, trying to make me do an exercise where a heavy medicine ball was thrown at my face resulted in a lecture about how all I had going for me was my cute nose.  Well I still think my nose is cute but no longer look at it as the lone good part of my appearance.

Today, however, I was reminded of the reason I have a smell all the good and bad around me.  On my way home from yoga there is a particular spot on the interstate that smells like fresh buttery baked goods.  I have no idea where this amazing smell is coming from and I usually forget about it until I hit that spot in the road but it is the best smell ever (esp coming home from a crazy yoga class).  When I got home I watched a recorded episode of Criminal Minds where the killer was drawn to people based on their smell.  Having two nose related events in a matter of 30 minutes made me aware of how I react to certain smells on a regular basis.

I already told you about the delicious bakery smells on the interstate (one day I will figure out where they are coming from) but there are a few more I encounter every day.  An odd smell that I love is my dogs' heads.  They can be clean or dirty it does not matter to me.  The smell of a dog's head is the perfect pet smell and I never tire of it.  A smell that I can not stand at the moment but have been told I will grow to love is Dave when he is off work.  The smell of a submarine is like nothing I have ever encountered; it is a combination of sweat, oil, grease, and other unidentified substances that just linger in the air for hours.  Dave is limited to where he can leave his boat uniform laying around the house bc I dont want it to smell up the furniture and trust me it would.  The wives have told me, though, that I will miss this smell when he is deployed but we will have to see about that.  The last smell that I encounter on a regular basis that have a deep emotional grip is yoga.  In Bikram yoga you sweat like no other and thus you tend to get a funk about your body and clothes.  Needless to say, the studio adopts the funks of everyone and kind of has its own unique perfume of hard work going on.  At first this smell was not pleasant but lately I have found the smell relaxing in class.  When I am stressing out in a posture I sometimes notice the smell and then I start to think about how it represents all my hard work and I no longer focus on how badly I feel in the posture.  "The postures are hard and are supposed to hurt so just deal with it" is kind of what that smells tells me (crazy I know).  At home, my pile of yoga clothes in the laundry room (only place they are allowed for the same reason as Dave's work clothes) leave a lingering smell all the time that I have grown to love.  It reminds me of how my body is changing and how hard I am working to become the person on the inside and out that I want to be.

I am sure there are tons of smells that I encounter each day but these are the ones that elicit such a deep response within me, whether good or bad.  I am not sure why I felt the need to share but I did.  Now I am going to smell Jack's head and smile :)

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